
Populism is an invalid form of discrimination

Probably the most destructive idea in politics is the idea that political coordinates are discovered by polling a population of people who self-identify as acribing to that ideal or political agenda.

It would be unlikely to find someone today who would publicly say “slavery used to be a bad thing, but now it is the new form of liberty”. Slavery and servitude have fallen out of the popular political spectrum, but they still exist in a location on the real political coordinate system. It is possible for a person to hold them as an ideal, and that fact should be observable by any political investigator.

Definitions of words like “authoritarianism” or “totalitarianism” or “tyranny” or “genocide” should not mutate into their opposites.

Neither shold the poles or directions of political ideology.

Rightism means individual rights and politics based on recognition of individual rights, self-ownership, property, speech freedom, freedom from slavery.

Leftism is based on “right to rule”, which is fake. Examples are “divine right of kings”, “majority rule” or “the dictatorship of the proletariat”. The biggest obstacles to Leftism is private property, speech freedoms, self-ownership, freedom from slavery.

This is the only real change in politics in the history of mankind, and it happened most significantly on July 4th, 1776, with many minor examples throughout every event in history.


People complain about things every day. People fight wars over things. At the same time we hear people complain that the divisions are indistinguishable.

Why are people fighting wars if they can’t differentiate friend or foe?

One current example of disorientations is the suprise media pundits and academics see in “left-wing authoritarianism”.

A survey of historical and current fictional narrative finds about zero percent referring to “left-wing authoritarianism”. When authors of such great anti-authoritarian novels as “1984”, “Animal Farm”, “Darkness at Noon” they express shock at how consistently “right-wing authoritarianism” infiltrates the left-wing.

People complain that the Right and the Left are both authoritarian, and so it doesn’t matter which one you favor.

The Hazzard of Disorientation

But where does that leave us? In democratic societies, we are asked to decide periodically by voting. Voting is recently in the news as being “our most fundamental right”, which has supposedly recently come under attack.

But how can we choose on our ballots if the choices are indistingishable? Of “both sides do it”?

Reorienting Discrimination

The proper way to reorient political discrimination is to base it on the one factor that all political dissussion has used all throughout all history and will also do in the future: Rights

Every political discussion or investigation has employed the concept of rights, but of course they have not done it properly.

A proper concept of rights must begin from the primary principle of rights, that an individual is the proper owner of his own life. This is the source of property, ownership, and rights, all wrapped up in one seminal and irrefutable concept: self-ownership of life.