Everyone already discriminates
All moral/ethical decisions involve discrimination. If you don’t agree with that, you are discriminating.
NOTE: Descrimination does not mean you have to discriminate against a group of people. Group judgement, or collective judgment, is the primary corruption of proper judgment of any kind. Moral judgment means judgment of actions, which is necessary for humans who chose actions of any kind and on any scale or duration, however small or large.
Discrimination is a process which occurs inside reality, and is therefore subject to scrutiny. That is why this website exists in the .tech
top-level domain.
Discrimination is not inscrutable. It is investigatable and analyzabble, but you must start somwehere.
“It is better to be wrong than to be vague” –Freeman Dyson
This single statement could be the most difinitive statement about what technolgy is: specific artifacts which are extremely precise, and therefor can be testable as either wrong or right, pass or fail, valid or invalid.
Only definite statements can be properly affirmed or refuted. Only specific codes can be troubleshooted.
The problems we have in society today is that policies and principles at the highest level and over the longest range are intentionally vague.
The vagueness is seen as necessary wiggle room for people implementing policies, but it makes it impossible to debug or invalidate the policies themselves. Their vagueness provide infinite cover for the policies and makes them unfalsifiable and irrefutable.
This website is an attempt to overcome that oversight.